風華正茂:1958—1966年 ????隨著美國年輕人開始對正統文化感到反感,甲殼蟲這款特立獨行的轎車也“潮”了起來。Doyle Dane Berbach廣告公司1959年搞了一個名叫“想想還是小的好”(Think Small)的廣告宣傳活動,后來被票選為20世紀百佳廣告之首,正是因為它敏銳地捕捉到了這種正在生長的社會思潮。到了1965年,在德國沃斯夫堡的大眾工廠,甲殼蟲的年產量達到100萬臺。美國顧客要足足等上五個月才能拿到現車。????甲殼蟲的制造工藝也在快速變化。總體外觀更加現代化,車內空間更加寬敞,同時還加大了側面車窗和擋風玻璃。雨刷從前風擋右側移到了左側,后引擎蓋只需按一個鈕便可打開,而不是像以前那樣需要扭動T型把手。另外車子也有了油表,從而取代了加油口的杠桿開關和備用油箱。 |
Trend-setting Beetles: 1958-1966 ????As America's youth began their revolt against mass culture, Beetles became trendy. Doyle Dane Bernbach's 1959 "Think Small" campaign, later voted number one among 100 in the 20th century captured a growing zeitgeist. By1965, one million Beetles were rolling out of the Wolfsburg factory in Germany. Customers in the U.S. waited as long as five months to take delivery. ????Mechanical changes continued apace. The cabin grew airier, and the overall appearance got modernized when the side windows and windshield were enlarged. The windshield wipers now rested to the left side of the windshield instead of the right, the rear engine cover could be opened with the push of a button instead of the twist of a T-handle, and a conventional fuel gauge replaced the lever switch and reserve tank. |