大眾甲殼蟲是汽車史上最經典的車型之一,最近它又迎來了一次改頭換面的升級,下面我們就帶領大家一起來回顧一下大眾甲殼蟲 75年的進化史。
含苞待放:1953—1957年 ????美國于1949年進口了第一臺甲殼蟲,一開始銷售緩慢,到1951年也只售出390臺。當時美國汽車廠商正在搞大干快上的戰術,車型幾乎一年一換代,反觀甲殼蟲的更新換代卻相當緩慢。????在量產六年后,甲殼蟲的兩片式小車窗被一片稍大一些的橢圓型車窗所取代,后來又在1957年換成了一片更大的全幅車窗。在1958款甲殼蟲上,儀表盤經過了重新設計,轉向燈也移到了擋泥板頂端。它沒有美國車當時最流行的尾鰭,車身刷的是同一個顏色,也沒有備胎。 |
Early Beetles: 1953-1957 ????The first Beetle was exported to the U.S. in 1949, and sales started slowly, reaching only 390 by 1951. While Detroit was still caught up in annual model changes, alterations to the Beetle came only slowly. ????After six years of production, the small two-piece window was replaced by a slightly larger single oval window. In 1957, an even larger full-width window was installed. For the 1958 model, the dashboard was redesigned, and the turn signals moved to the tops of the fenders. No tailfins, two-tone colors, or Continental spare tire kits. |