


Nin-Hai Tseng 2011-11-03

????明富環球(MF Global)的破產或許是雷曼兄弟公司(Lehman Brothers)于2008年倒閉以來,美國金融領域所發生的最大一宗破產案,但它的滅亡幾乎沒有對金融市場產生同樣致命的影響——至少目前還沒有。

????據《金融時報》(Financial Times)報道,周一,明富環球申請破產的決定導致芝加哥商品交易所(Chicago Mercantile Exchange)亂作一團,因為依靠這家經紀交易商完成清算的公司無法執行交易指令。但跟臭名昭著的雷曼時刻不同的是,市場流動性受壓跡象有限,融資市場并未出現重大震蕩。沒錯,道瓊斯指數周一的確下挫,今天再次下跌,但相比于雷曼兄弟倒閉和美國國際集團(AIG)瀕臨破產之后的恐慌局面,這一次的反應是溫和的。

????然而,明富環球畢竟是首家因正在發生的歐債危機而倒下的華爾街公司,市場因此高度緊張完全可以理解。主要評級機構認為,高達63億美元的歐洲主權債務敞口使得這家公司承受了過高的風險。三大評級機構穆迪(Moody's)、標準普爾(Standard & Poor's)和惠譽(Fitch)相繼將公司評級下調至“垃圾級”。



????當初或許是私募股權基金投資者J?克里斯托弗?弗勞爾斯邀請前新澤西州州長喬恩?柯賽出馬擔任明富環球CEO一職的【他們兩人都曾經同為高盛集團(Goldman Sachs)的高管】,但這位通過旗下公司J.C. Flowers & Co. 重資參股這家破產公司的金融家可能要蒙受數百萬美元的損失。




????Pyramis Global Advisors LLC 資產管理公司持有8.44%的普通股;RS Investments投資公司,7.81%【最新進展:RS Investments公司的一位女發言人告訴《財富》(Fortune)雜志,該公司已于10月26日,即明富環球申請破產保護之前,出售了手中持有的股份】; Fine Capital Partners LP投資公司,7.37%; Cadian Capital Management LLC資產管理公司,6.17%;美國教師退休基金(TIAA - CREF),5.77%;Advisory Research Inc.資訊調研公司,5.54%;Dimensional Fund Advisors LP基金管理公司,5.41%; Rydex Security Global Investors LLC投資公司,5.13%。


????MF Global's bankruptcy may be the biggest failure of a U.S. financial firm since the collapse of Lehman Brothers in 2008, but its demise has not been nearly as catastrophic on financial markets -- at least not yet.

????MF Global's decision to file for bankruptcy protection Monday triggered a frenzy of activity on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, as firms whose trades are cleared by the broker-dealer were unable to execute orders, according to the Financial Times. But unlike the infamous Lehman moment, there were limited signs of strains on liquidity and no major disruption in the funding markets. Sure, the Dow tumbled Monday and is falling again today, but this reaction is tame compared to the panic after Lehman's fall and AIG's near collapse.

????Nevertheless, MF Global's (MF) downfall is Wall Street's first casualty from the ongoing European debt crisis, so tensions are understandably high. Major rating agencies thought the firm had taken on too much risk with its $6.3 billion bet on European sovereign debt. And in a series of credit downgrades, Moody's (MCO), Standard & Poor's and Fitch downgraded the firm to "junk" status.

????Most of us on Main Street won't feel an immediate impact from MF Global's demise, but needless to say, several stakeholders won't be walking away unscathed:

Preferred stockholders

????Private equity investor J. Christopher Flowers may have placed former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine as MF Global's top executive (they were both formerly executives at Goldman Sachs (GS)), but the financier who was a significant investor of the bankrupt firm through his firm J.C. Flowers & Co. may see millions in losses.

????It has been widely reported that the private equity firm paid $87.4 million three years ago for MF Global preferred stock. Over the last three years, the dividends paid handsomely – it reportedly yielded J.C. Flowers $39.6 million. But with the collapse of MF Global, the fund is expected to mark the investment down to nothing and suffer a net loss of $47.8 million.

Common shareholders

????And of course, the firm's biggest common shareholders could lose millions. Here's a list of some of the bigger ones and their respective stakes in the firm according to recent filings:

????Pyramis Global Advisors LLC, owning 8.44% common shares; RS Investments, 7.81% (Update: An RS Investments spokeswoman told Fortune the company sold its shares of MF Global on October 26 ahead of the firm's file for bankruptcy protection); Fine Capital Partners LP, 7.37%; Cadian Capital Management LLC, 6.17%; TIAA-CREF, 5.77%; Advisory Research Inc., 5.54%; Dimensional Fund Advisors LP, 5.41%; Rydex Security Global Investors LLC, 5.13%.

Unsecured creditors


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