????菲絲?霍爾摩絲,Faithfully Sweet Presents Sweet Freeze公司所有人,正展示如何制作液態氮冰淇淋。
好吃好玩的冰淇淋 ????商戶名稱:Faithfully Sweet Presents Sweet Freeze ????總部所在地:華盛頓特區 ????網址:sweetfreeze.com ????菲絲?霍爾摩絲的小賣部位于華盛頓特區瓦爾特?E. 華盛頓會議中心(Washington Convention Center),每當小賣部開始升騰起白煙,好奇的人們就圍上來——有些人還拿起了iPhone開始拍照。 ????伴隨著攪拌器的呼呼作響,頭頂的彩燈不斷閃爍,液態氮白色的卷須狀煙霧開始噴薄而出,主要由奶油凍制成的調合冰淇淋就在Sweet Freeze按需成型了。如有要求,這種極度滑潤的冰淇淋可以不含麩質的,也可以不含精制砂糖。 ????霍爾摩絲39歲,是會議中心四家Sweet Freeze小鋪和一家小餐館的所有者。她花了兩年時間做商業規劃,制定食譜。當初,當她還在會議中心的餐飲定制服務公司Centerplate/NBSE擔任餐飲銷售經理時,她就攢下了15,000美元作為自己公司的啟動資金。 ????她向自己當時的總經理拋出了成立Sweet Freeze的想法,并在短短數周內就辭了職,而后與老東家簽署了一份協議,以繳納手續費為基礎仍在會議中心里開店。這一策略幫她省掉了一大筆日常性開支。 ????Sweet Freeze今年1月開張,第一個財季利潤率就達到18%。現在,霍爾摩絲正在物色華盛頓特區的店面。 |
Faithfully Sweet Presents Sweet Freeze ????Company : Faithfully Sweet Presents Sweet Freeze ????Headquarters: Washington, D.C. ????Website: sweetfreeze.com ????As smoke billows from Faith Holmes' kiosk at D.C.'s Walter E. Washington Convention Center, curious people gather -- some with iPhones aimed. ????With the mixer's whir, colorful overhead spotlighting and white tendrils of liquid nitrogen vapor flowing, predominantly custard-based ice cream concoctions are made-to-order at Sweet Freeze. The decadently smooth ice cream can come gluten-free or without refined sugars. ????Holmes, 39, is the proprietor of four Sweet Freeze convention center locations and a caterer. She spent two years business planning, creating recipes and saving $15,000 for her startup while working as catering sales manager for the convention center's Centerplate/NBSE. ????She pitched Sweet Freeze to her general manager and within weeks of giving her resignation, penned a deal with her former employer to launch at the convention center on a commission-structured basis. The strategy helped cut her overhead substantially. ????Sweet Freeze opened this past January and was operating with 18 percent profits by its first quarter. Holmes is currently scouting options for a D.C. storefront. |