定制式冰淇淋 ????商戶名稱:iCream ????總部所在地:芝加哥 ????網址:icreamcafe.com ????iCream公司一半是乳品店,一半是實驗室。在員工讓店里的觸摸屏分配系統準備好以前,公司里穿著白圍裙的員工正使用燒杯和注射器精確稱量各種配料。這套系統能產出一股深度速凍的液態氮。憑借100萬種口味和顏色的組合,iCream公司每年服務的顧客多達7萬人。 ????這家店是聯合創始人科拉?肖的點子。這位37歲的美食頻道忠實觀眾在芝加哥大學(the University of Chicago)攻讀工商管理碩士(MBA)就讀期間想出了這個創意。聯合創始人詹森?麥肯尼35歲,是商業訴訟律師,也是她在布斯商學院(the University of Chicago)的同班同學。倆人一起制定了iCream的商業計劃書,并在一堂新創企業戰略課上對其進行了完善,隨后店面于2009年3月正式開門營業。 ????這家店幾乎能滿足所有顧客對飲食禁忌的要求,而肖的目標就是讓每個人都能吃上適合自己的冰淇淋?,F在,iCream公司計劃于2012年早些時候開設第一家特許加盟店。 |
iCream ????Company : iCream ????Headquarters: Chicago ????Website: icreamcafe.com ????Part creamery, part laboratory, iCream's white-aproned staff uses beakers and syringes to precisely measure ingredients before staff members prep the shop's touch screen distribution system, which releases a deep-freeze blast of liquid nitrogen. With one million flavor and color combinations, iCream serves 70,000 customers annually. ????The shop was the brainchild of co-founder Cora Shaw, 37, a Food Network junkie who had the idea while pursuing an MBA at the University of Chicago. With Booth School of Business classmate, commercial litigator and co-founder Jason McKinney, 35, the iCream business plan was honed for a new venture strategy class and opened its doors in March 2009. ????With options that can fit nearly any dietary restriction, it's Shaw's goal that everyone can find a scoop that suits. iCream plans to open its first franchise location in early 2012. |