社交“三部曲”的第三步:“你該做什么事” 亞當?伯斯沃斯,Keas公司創始人兼CEO ????社交游戲有望成為企業解決“你該做什么事”這一問題——也就是消費者行為的利器。因為社交游戲有一種不斷提供獎勵的機制,還有一種不斷提供反饋的模式,而且社交游戲可以設立目標。有了社交游戲,就有了一塊研究人行為的試驗田,這些玩家不僅有相同的喜好,還面臨著共同的挑戰,彼此之間又存在著競爭關系。這些人很想證明自己是某一領域的行家,也想看看他們的經紀人是不是股票交易的高手,還可以看看員工是不是正在努力提升健康狀況。????有了社交網絡和社交游戲,我們對人的了解越來越深了。它意味著我們可以一種高度定向的方式接觸到消費者。比如,我們可以知道人們使用優惠券的習慣。 ????我見過一家非常有意思的創業公司,它就打算推出這項服務,幫住客戶以高度定向的方式接觸到消費者。這家小公司的名字叫MyLikes,它從考斯拉(Khosla)公司那里拉到了500萬美元的風投。MyLike公司擁有潛力幫助客戶與目標人群進行接觸和溝通,它不僅研究“你認識什么人”,還研究“你知道什么事”。我認為不久之后,它也會開始研究“我們做什么”。 ????譯者:樸成奎 |
... and eventually what you do. Adam Bosworth Founder and CEO, Keas ????Social gaming turns out to be the way we'll see most companies tackle the "what you do" part of the equation because it provides a constant reward mode and a constant feedback model, and it actually creates goals. With social gaming, you have a group of people who not only have a common affinity, they have a common challenge, and they're competitive. So they like to know that they're the best at something, whether their broker is doing a good job at selling stocks or employees trying to be healthier.????With social networks or social games, we're learning more about people. That means we can reach out to them in very targeted ways. How do you use coupons, for instance? ????One of the most interesting companies I've seen that's going to reach out and help you reach out to these people in a very targeted way is MyLikes, a small startup funded with $5 million by Khosla. They have the potential to reach out and communicate to these groups that are not only working on who you know but what you know, and I expect them very soon to come after us and what we do. |