





??? 有時我大半夜坐在家里看電視,突然會想到:該買洗發水了。如果是以前的話,我可能要走到廚房,把“洗發水”三個字寫在購物單上,但是現在我只要登錄亞馬遜(Amazon)的應用,敲進“洗發水”三個字,就會出現一款我喜歡的洗發水。我只要點擊“現在購買”,他們就會給我快遞過來。由于我有“亞馬遜優惠”(Amazon Prime,亞馬遜推出的一項減免快遞費的快遞服務——譯注),因此兩天內我就會收到這瓶洗發水。對我來說,這比以前方便太多了。隨著時間的推移,網購的便捷會極大地改變我們每個人的消費方式。大型零售商們必須意識到這一點,因為亞馬遜只會日益壯大。

????我曾經和一個負責家得寶(Home Depot)網絡運營業務的家伙談過這件事,他也認為這是個大問題。說真的,他們怎么能競爭得過亞馬遜呢?所以必須出現一個我所謂的“零售業的Hulu”,集成這些零售商的產品信息,而且還有像“亞馬遜優惠”這樣的一鍵送貨功能。谷歌絕對有能力做這件事,不過要想和亞馬遜應用在便捷性上進行競爭,還是得有人挺身而出。因為說到底,我們不會一個個地使用“家得寶應用”、“沃爾瑪應用”,也不可能把其他25個大零售商的應用一一都下載下來,因此必須有人把它們整合起來。

Create a Hulu for big box retailers.

Josh James, CEO, Domo

??? Sometimes I'll be sitting at home watching TV late at night thinking, I need to buy something like shampoo. Instead of putting it on the grocery list in the kitchen, I could just click on the Amazon app, type in "shampoo," and one kind I like will come up. I click "Buy Now," and it's on its way. And because I have Amazon Prime, I know I'm going to get it in two days. For me, that's faster than putting it on the list in the kitchen. That convenience is going to dramatically change the way I think all of us are going to consume over time, and the Big Box retailers need to figure that out because Amazon will only get bigger and bigger.

?? I was talking to the guy from Home Depot who runs online for them, and he was saying that was a big issue. Really, how can they compete with Amazon? There needs to be what I'm calling the "Hulu of Big Box retail," where these retailers get together and there's one-click Prime-like shipping for all of them. Google could definitely do it, but someone needs to step up and compete with that Amazon's ease of use. Because frankly, we're not going to use that Home Depot app, Wal-Mart app, and 25 other apps for all the big box retailers out there.


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