6.電郵安全服務供應商商Postini 收購金額:6.25億美元 宣布時間:2007年7月 聯邦貿易委員會批準時間:2007年8月 ????Postini公司是谷歌應用程序第一批合作伙伴之一,現在也是谷歌這一業務領域的核心成員。據谷歌Postini網站稱,它為超過2,600萬用戶提供安全和文件歸檔服務,并且是谷歌信息安全和發現性能的核心部分。 ????購入Postini四年后,直到今年7月谷歌才決定在Gmail中運用Postini電子郵件安全技術,分析人士稱此舉是谷歌提高企業用戶應用程序安全性的重大步驟。將來,如果看到Postini更多地融入谷歌應用程序和Gmail,請也不必吃驚。 |
6. Postini Price: $625 million Announced: July 2007 FTC Approval: August 2007 ????Postini was one of the first partners with Google Apps and is now a core part of that area of Google's business. According to Google's Postini site, Google Postini provides security and archiving services to over 26 million users, and is a core part of its message security and discovery capability. ????Four years since its purchase, Google decided this July to use Postini email security features in Gmail, which analysts touted as a major step in bolstering Google Apps security for enterprise. Don't be surprised to see more Postini integration into Google Apps and Gmail in the future. |
5.旅游預訂軟件開發公司ITA Software 收購金額:7億美元 宣布時間:2010年7月 聯邦貿易委員會批準時間:2011年4月 ????位于馬薩諸塞州坎布里奇的這家旅游信息搜索公司為旅游信息搜索網站和航空公司研發軟件。谷歌的這筆收購讓部分業內人士深感不安,他們擔這筆交易會危及旅游信息整合網站Kayak和旅游評論網站TripAdvisor等ITA客戶的競爭力。聯邦貿易委員會對交易進行了長時間審核,期間,為應對各方疑慮,谷歌首次承諾將執行ITA公司的所有合同。收購獲批前夕,谷歌公司更進一步,用ITA高級副總裁杰夫?胡貝爾在谷歌博客上所寫的話來說:“正式承諾允許ITA的客戶將其合同延至2016年。” ????既然市場未來五年的競爭已經獲得保障,谷歌就能啟動計劃,將ITA技術的投入新的航班搜索功能。胡貝爾在博客中展望,未來的某一天,用戶只用輸入“五月,用不到500美元飛往某個陽光燦爛的地方”就能立即在谷歌搜索中找到航班時間、價格以及機票供應商。 |
5. ITA Software Price: $700 million Announced: July 2010 FTC Approval: April 2011 ????This Cambridge, MA-based travel search company made the software for travel search sites and airlines. Google's purchase troubled some in the industry, who feared for the competitive viability of clients such as Kayak and TripAdvisor. To meet concerns during a lengthy review by the Federal Trade Commission, Google first promised to honor all ITA contracts. Shortly before approval, it went a step further and "formally committed to let ITA's customers extend their contracts into 2016," senior VP Jeff Huber wrote on Google's blog. ????Now that competition has been presumably safeguarded for the next five years, Google can launch into its plans for ITA's technology: new flight search capability. Huber's post imagined a day when a user can simply type "flights to somewhere sunny for under $500 in May" and immediately see flight times, fares, and ticket vendors within Google's search.?? |