


ALEX KONRAD 2011-08-18






????這家社交游戲網站在收購榜上排名第8,無論按照最初報道的1.82億美元收購價還是后來報道的更高價格排列,都是如此。Slide公司的業務主要是SuperPoke!和SuperPoke! Pets這款依托于Facebook的寵物游戲。Slide公司自加入谷歌公司后也照樣一直很忙。該公司推出了VideoInbox,這款Facebook上的應用程序能提供“每天最好的5個視頻”。


8. Slide

Price: $182 million or $228 million

Announced: August 2010

FTC Approval: No approval required

????The social gaming site slots in at number eight whether you go by the originally reported value of $182 million or the later, higher reported cost. Slide.com relied upon the SuperPoke! and SuperPoke! Pets Facebook applications for its business. Slide has been busy since joining Google. The company offers VideoInbox, a Facebook app that serves up "the five best videos every day."

????Slide has come out with other apps since its purchase by Google, but interestingly not for the Android operating system. Instead, creations such as Disco, a group messaging app, are currently offered only on Apple's iOS. But given Google's recent activity, don't be shocked if Slide's apps start to come pre-loaded on Motorola models.





????如果這一收購獲得批準,谷歌將擁有在線頁面廣告的點對點解決方案。在收購宣布后不久發布的一則通告中,瑞士信貸(Credit Suisse)指出,收購AdMeld公司恰是谷歌完成其拼圖游戲的最后一塊:廣告從廣告商發布開始,通過廣告公司到達需求方平臺上,即谷歌2010年6月收購的顯示廣告公司Invite Media。隨后,廣告將抵達廣告交易所——由谷歌在本榜單上排名靠后的收購——網絡廣告公司DoubleClick經營。此后,再到達廣告網,再到達供應方平臺——AdMeld。從AdMeld開始,這則廣告會通過本文提到的另一家被收購公司,視頻網絡YouTube抵達用戶。長期追蹤谷歌動態的人會發現,這個廣告系統要用到四個谷歌近期的購買的公司,其中三筆交易都位列谷歌迄今為止最大的十宗收購案。

7. AdMeld

Price: $400 million

Announced: June 2011

FTC Approval: Under review

????If this purchase goes through, Google will have its end-to-end solution in online display advertising. In a note from shortly after the purchase announcement, Credit Suisse demonstrated that the purchase of AdMeld fit as the final piece in the puzzle: an ad would start with the advertiser and go through an ad agency to a demand side platform -- Google's June acquisition Invite Media. Then the ad would go to an ad exchange -- covered by Google's acquisition later in this list, DoubleClick. Next, on to its ad network and then to a supply side platform -- AdMeld. From AdMeld, the ad would reach users via a publisher such as yet another acquisition featured here, YouTube. For those keeping score, that kind of ad system would make use of four relatively recent purchases, three of which make Google's all-time top 10.


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