Alex Taylor III

????黑榜之本田雅閣 ????2011年7月銷量:18,308臺 ????與2010年7月相比:下跌28% ????現款的本田雅閣(Accord)是2008年中期投放市場的,以轎車的年齡來算,它現在也算高壽了。2011款本田雅閣的噱頭是它的燃油經濟性達到城市每加侖23英里,高速公路每加侖34英里,不過市場反響依然平平。雅閣一度被認為是中型車的不二之選,但現在看來,它在短期內擠掉凱美瑞的希望非常渺茫。 ????譯者:樸成奎 |
????Loser: Honda Accord ????July 2011 sales: 18,308 ????Change from July 2010: -28% ????The current Accord has been on the market since mid-2008, making it pretty old in car years. A freshening for 2011 along with a boost in fuel economy to 23 mpg city and 34 highway stirred little interest. The Accord was once known as the default choice among midsize cars, but it appears to have no near-term chance to knock off the Camry. |