The Next Step Realty大學生房屋租賃服務公司 |
The Next Step Realty |
創立時間:2010年 創始人:布萊爾?布蘭特和貝爾頓?貝克 就讀學校:分別就讀于瑞奇蒙大學(University of Richmond)、北卡羅來納大學(North Carolina) ????“大學畢業生畢業后第一個打交道的就是他們的雇主以及幫他們找到第一套住所的人,” The Next Step Realty公司的合伙創始人布萊爾?布蘭特說道。盡管他沒能力幫助同學們找到第一份工作,但是他可以幫助他們找到第一套住所。 ????The Next Step Realty創立之初旨在幫助大城市(例如紐約、倫敦)剛畢業的大學生找到他們的第一套住所。僅僅一年的時間內,通過免費的網站服務,布蘭特和合伙創始人貝爾頓?貝克已經建立起了一個有近5,000人的大學生客戶群。80家房產中介公司已經與網站簽約,他們必須付費才能接觸到這些正在找房子的畢業生。 ????布萊爾本人一直在幫助興趣相投、教育背景接近、同時第一份工作經歷類似的經紀人和大學生建立聯系。他希望通過這樣的方式,房產中介和大學生之間能夠超越簡單的房屋租賃關系。 |
Started: 2010 Founders: Blair Brandt and Belton Baker School: University of Richmond, University of North Carolina, resp. ????"The first relationships college students establish after graduation are with their employer and with the person who finds them their first living situation." So says The Next Step Realty cofounder Blair Brandt. While he can't help his former classmates find a job, he can help them find a place to live. ????The Next Step Realty was created as a network for recently employed graduates in major cities like New York and London to find their first living arrangements. In just a year, Brandt and cofounder Belton Baker have put together a community of nearly 5,000 college students who don't pay a dime for the service. 80 brokers have signed up so far, and they pay for access to those rental-seeking grads. ????Blair personally tries to connect brokers with graduates who have similar interests, went to similar schools, and had similar first jobs. By doing so, he wants to establish relationships that will go far beyond a graduate's first space. |