Smathers and Branson針刺飾品公司 |
Smathers and Branson |
創立時間:2003年 創始人:皮特?司馬薩斯和奧斯汀?布蘭森 就讀學校:寶盾學院 ????奧斯汀?布蘭森和皮特?司馬薩斯分別從各自的女友那里收到了針繡腰帶作為禮物,隨后, 兩人便意識到一個新的市場投資機遇正擺在自己的眼前。隨著對針繡腰帶認識的進一步深入,他們越來越意識到這一市場大有潛力可挖。????從開始到完工,針繡腰帶的制作是一個很費錢也很費時的活。通過調查,他們發現越南有一家生產商可以很好地控制產品質量和成本,這與他們的理念不謀而合。從腰帶起家,公司現在生產從鑰匙鏈到錢包等一系列產品,這些產品已開始在線銷售并橫掃東海岸各大鄉村俱樂部。 ????雖然產品定位于高端(腰帶165美元一條),但自創立之日起,公司的銷售額便以每年40%的速度增長。Smathers and Branson公司希望在今后的一年半內推出12-16款新品。 |
Started: 2003 Founders: Peter Smathers and Austin Branson School: Bowdoin College ????After getting needlepoint belts as gifts from their respective girlfriends, Austin Branson and Peter Smathers saw an opportunity to capitalize on a new market. The more they began to dig into the world of needlepoint, the more potential they discovered. ????From start to finish, needlepoint is generally a costly and timely process. After some searching, the pair discovered a manufacturer in Vietnam who understood their vision both in quality and cost. Starting with just belts, they now offer an array of products from key chains to wallets sold online and in country clubs across the East Coast. ????Although the products are higher end ($165 for a belt), sales have grown 40% every year since the company was founded. Smathers and Branson hope to release 12 to 16 new products in the next year and a half. |