Alex Taylor III
1963版別克未來 ????別克未來(Riviera)是第一款所謂的個性化豪車,它是通用為了與福特的雷鳥(Thunderbird)轎車相抗衡而推出的一款產品。雖然細節略顯過火,但箭形的汽車前臉、霸氣的車姿和動感的車頂還是設計得相當不錯的。這款轎跑采用了斗式座椅,搭載了一臺大型V8引擎,成功地將性能與舒適性結合在一起。別克未來的名字一直到1999年才成為歷史,不過它最輝煌的日子還是在它的生涯早期。 |
1963 Buick Riviera ????The first of the so-called personal luxury cars, the Riviera was GM's attempt to compete with Ford's Thunderbird. Although the details were slightly overdone, the forward thrust of the body, the aggressive stance, and the sporty roof were all well executed. With bucket seats and a big V-8 engine, the coupe managed to combine performance and comfort. The Riviera name lived on until 1999, but its first years were its peak. |