8.瑪莎拉蒂GT敞篷車 底價:135,800美元 ????這款瑪莎拉蒂轎車既奢華又別具異域風情,給人的感覺就像好萊塢女星克勞迪婭?卡汀娜或吉娜?勞洛勃麗吉達,以萬種的風情壓倒你的感官。這款GT敞篷車出自瑪莎拉蒂歷史悠久的摩德納(Modena)工廠,它絕對是一款令人驚嘆的杰作。 ????它的車體弧線十分撩人,引擎的低吟令人迷醉,內飾精致高雅。它不是為了和你來一段露水姻緣,而是需要車主投入大量的感情,而它回饋給你的則是豐富的駕乘快感。 |
8.Maserati Gran Turismo Convertible Base Price: $135,800????Lavish and exotic, the Maserati overwhelms the senses in the way you remember Claudia Cardinale or Gina Lollobrigida. Built by hand at Maserati's historic factory in Modena, the GT convertible is an absolute stunner. ????Its body shell is voluptuous, the throaty rumble of its engine intoxicating, the detailing of its interior exquisite. Not designed for a casual relationship, it demands intense involvement from its owner, but repays such an investment in rich motoring pleasure. |