林肯MKS EcoBoost/福特金牛SHO 從靜止加速到60英里/時耗時:5秒/5.2秒 最高時速:限于134英里/131英里 ????它們是家轎類中的兩款構造相近的四門轎車。它們沒有采用燒油的V8引擎,而是采用了雙渦輪增壓的V6發動機,這款發動機也是福特EcoBoost發動機家族的一分子。數據顯示它們的性能恰到好處,燃油經濟性也相當優越。兩款轎車的耗油量都是城市道路每加侖17英里、高速公路每加侖25英里。2011款福特金牛(Taurus)的起價為38,155美元;2011款林肯MKS EcoBoost的起價為41,500美元。 ? |
Lincoln MKS EcoBoost/Ford Taurus SHO 0 to 60: 5 seconds/5.2 secondsTop speed: Limted to 134 mph/131 mph ????In the sensible-shoes category are these two mechanically-similar sedans. Instead of thirsty V-8s, they are both powered by twin-turbo V-6s, part of Ford's Eco Boost family. As the numbers show, they provide perfectly adequate performance and better than adequate fuel economy. Both cars are rated at 17 mpg city/25 mpg highway. The 2011 Taurus starts at $38, 155; the 2011 Lincoln at $41,500. |